
Sapper services offshore

Disposal| EOD Supervision| Sapper services offshore| Sapper services onshore| Transport & Storage
Strzyza Gdansk UXO

We checked for unexploded ordnance and cleared the Strzyza stream 🌫️ along a section of about 80 m in the area of Reja-Kochanowskiego Street in Gdansk. The work was completed by securing mortar grenades and a hand grenade 💣🧨. The hazardous items were taken away with a certified explosion-proof container (made by Jakusz) and will […]

EOD Supervision| Sapper services offshore| Surveys| Transport & Storage
Port of Gdynia UXO

Recently, we had the pleasure of performing magnetometer surveys on a task related to the reconstruction of the Helskie Quay in the Port of Gdynia. Then, together with the Czerwony Szkwal company, we performed the 1st stage of excavation of objects and their identification for explosives. The work will continue. The ordering party and the […]

Sapper services offshore
Kczewo-Miszewo UXO clearance

We have completed a sapper check of the road expansion site on the Kczewo-Miszewo section for Aspergo.

Charter| Demolitions| Disposal| Documentation| EOD Supervision| Geodesy| Logging| Sapper services offshore| Sapper services onshore| Surveys| Trainings| Transport & Storage
Database of Polish defense entrepreneurs

We are pleased to announce that we have been included in the database of Polish defense entrepreneurs of the Ministry of Development and Technology.

Sapper services offshore| Sapper services onshore| Surveys
Mulnik Strabag unexploded ordnance clearance

Mulnik - an interesting place historically and in terms of landscape. Task carried out for Strabag Polska.

Charter| Sapper services offshore| Surveys
Test cruise of our RIB boat

We tested our boat in "combat" conditions to be as prepared as possible for work and inspections.

Sapper services offshore| Surveys
Mag surveys Motlawa river

As part of the project "Modernisation of Długie and Rybackie Riverside (Pobrzeże) in the section from Green Bridge (Most Zielony) to the Straganiarska Gate (Targ Rybny)" we carried out magnetometric surveys of the Motława River bottom in Gdańsk for explosive objects that could pose a hazard during dredging operations.

Sapper services offshore| Sapper services onshore| Surveys
Surveys and sapper works - FSRU project

We are currently carrying out magnetometer surveys and sapper work in the onshore and nearshore sections for the FSRU floating gas terminal project in Gdansk. This is an important strategic project for our country whose investor is Gaz-System.

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Trakt sw. Wojciecha 336
80-001 Gdansk, Poland
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