After the excellent work of our workshop professionals, it was time to test the survey "cart" and check it in the field. The tests went well, both on the technical side and in terms of survey results.

We tested our boat in "combat" conditions to be as prepared as possible for work and inspections.

As part of the project "Modernisation of Długie and Rybackie Riverside (Pobrzeże) in the section from Green Bridge (Most Zielony) to the Straganiarska Gate (Targ Rybny)" we carried out magnetometric surveys of the Motława River bottom in Gdańsk for explosive objects that could pose a hazard during dredging operations.

We are currently carrying out sapper supervision in Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz for the safe construction of school playing fields. Sapper supervision ensures safe working conditions for personnel and equipment involved in the construction and no downtime on site.

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